William Painter
invented the
bottle cap.
In 1892, the Irish-born businessman founded Crown Cork and Seal in Philadelphia to manufacture his latest and greatest invention, which he called the “crown cork”.
Painter also patented a machine for capping bottles and (conveniently) a handheld bottle-opening device.
316 Carlaw Ave.
1929 (with additions)
Bottle caps, cans, aerosols
Former Crown, Cork and Seal factory at 316 Carlaw Ave., March 2019.
Image by Susan Drysdale
This bottle cap factory opened in 1929 and was expanded several times.
Like a number of plants on Carlaw, it was a subsidiary of its American parent company.
Crown Cork and Seal advertising calendar, 1900
Toronto Public Library
Like Wrigley, Crown Cork and Seal moved to a new plant outside the city’s core in the 1960s.
It was north of the city limits on Keele Street, directly beside a massive new Canadian National Railways freight yard and a major highway.
Living Memory
“[In the mid-1980s] everything
closed down at 5 p.m. Then the
hookers came out. I was afraid to be
on the street. It was desolate. Windows
were boarded up. There was a lot of
vandalism. Landlords were desperate
to just cover their costs and were
letting their buildings deteriorate.”
Nancy Jain
co-owner of several Carlaw
Avenue buildings, speaking to the
Toronto Star, June 2001.
This building was
one of the first in the
area to be fitted with
live/work units.
In 1996, Gyan Jain, an engineer who migrated from India to Canada in 1964, bought this building and installed hundreds of small, affordable units that were popular with photographers, artists, entrepreneurs, and professionals.
Reliable Toy factory in 1986, shortly after it closed.
Note the “for rent” signs on the building.
Toronto Public Library
Living Memory
“We took a mortgage back from
the vendor. He had a toy factory. Half
the building was vacant, the other half
rented out. When he saw me taking the
plywood off and replacing the windows,
he said, 'Mr. Jain, what are you doing?
They will just be vandalized again.'
I said, trust me. If I respect my
buildings, they will as well.”
Gyan Jain
speaking to the Toronto
Star in June 2001
Look carefully at your next canned drink. A small crown symbol indicates that it was made by Crown, now one of the continent’s leading packaging companies.
1929 (with additions)
Built by the company that invented the bottle cap, this factory made tin caps sealed with cork disks. It reached its present size in 1959.
Continue north on Carlaw Ave. until you reach the Dundas St. E. intersection. Our next stop is at the southwest corner of Dundas and Carlaw Ave.
Full steam